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Adobe Xd or Sketch – Which one is the perfect tool for you?

A UX designers needs different tools to develop the different phases of UX strategy, from investigation to design, as well as prototype and presentations.
If you work on a PC, you usually know the Sketch is the popular one, offering vectorial designs and becoming a standard for the industry, although this is only available on Mac OS.

Now, Adobe have developed a visually similar tool to compete with Sketch which is Adobe Xd.

When opening Adobe Xd, the first impression is the interface is so familiar. Adobe tries to get away of dark menus and buttons and offers both options. Opposite from Sketch, it offers a bunch of tools on the left side of the screen, easy to reach as well as the usual functions offered on Sketch on the right side. It is easy to use and learn.

Adobe Xd owns a group of components that are unique as their Repeat Grid, a tool that allows to replicate a group of objects.

In Xd, you can create an interactive prototype without the need to use 3rd party components as well as setting transitions and connections between design pages.
Also, you can publish and share the prototype, which can be seen on the web browser and also on the Adobe Xd mobile app.
However, Adobe Xd does not offer support for fixed sections as headers, which can be done on InVision or other related tools on Sketch.